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The Board of Trustees

Trustee Policy


Our trustees will appoint the charity lead, treasurer & independent charity auditors.  They will provide  both direction & policy oversight to the charity. 


The trustees will be strictly separated from the day-to-day administration of the charity with the obvious exception of the secretariat, so adhering to good governance.


Our board of trustees will have a minimum of three and maximum of nine trustees, with the size of the board being proportionate to the turnover of the charity. The key positions on our board are chair, secretary and convener.


  We expect our trustees to be cognizant of environmental science to some capacity and to appreciate the dire need for novel measures to rejuvenate the climate.  Ideally our trustees will have some experience in the many academic fields of geo-sciences or of applying board-level governance. 


Our trustees will be unpaid volunteers, ideally retired with a strong desire to use their extensive experience for good deeds. 


Our trustees will only serve fixed and limited tenures of six years at most with a third of the board rotated to new replacement trustees bi-annually.


No two trustees can be related to each other or have any relationship with each other or to the charity lead or to the treasurer. 


Replacement trustee positions will be openly advertised and elected to the board by the voting membership.


Strict adherence to a conflict of interest policy will be applied.

Voting Membership

All Russell Group universities and colleges may become institutional members of the charity.   Their representatives  will vote for trustees and any other significant matter which is referred to a vote of the full membership.

Charity Workers

Committed to the Climate Cause

All our people are completely committed to the cause of saving the planet so are currently unpaid volunteers who both work hard and donate to the upkeep of the charity.  We urgently seek more volunteers who ideally have studied environmental science and appreciate the dire need for novel measures to rejuvenate the climate. 

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